Registration Closed

General Guidelines

The registration for the competition has closed. 

All teams, both Registered and Waitlisted, for competition are required to submit all required documents prior to the competition. The required documents provide evidence their car complies with the frame rules, supports the technical inspection process, and provides material that the Cost and Design event judges need to evaluate the team during the competition. When these documents are not submitted, the judges cannot properly assess the vehicle or the team.

Teams that do not submit Cost, Design, Business Presentation Plan, or Technical documents typically do not come to the competition. Teams that do not notify the SMME PISTON CUP personnel they are withdrawing from competition create the following problems:

  • Teams are still included in the static event schedules and judging time is wasted.
  • The unused registration slot cannot be offered to a team on the waitlist.

Additionally, failure to submit the required Cost, Design, Business Presentation Plan, and Technical Documents is a clear violation of the rules. Any blank document submitted to subvert the submission date will be treated as failure to submit

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